H.I.&M.E.H. Prince Don Louis Pèpin

Education - Are we selling out our Children


Education is a key topic in every election.  They speak in hyperbole and rhetoric about the importance of our children and their education.  We even have catchy names like, "No Child Left Behind."  Yet, what does it all really mean and how does it effect our children?

 After the elections, the promises and propaganda go straight out the door.  The first place considered for reductions are in education.  Teachers, the people on the front line, who we trust with the future of our children, are abused and mistreated by the politicians.  Many are paying for classroom supplies out of their own pocket and, in some cases, the text books.  Our schools have dangerous materials in them but we cannot afford to protect the children from them.  The reality is easy to see and understand, children cannot vote, therefore, they do not truly matter.  This is the truth of education in America and no one seems to see the stupidity and folly of such a policy.  

In Florida, under the watch of Jeb Bush, the FCAT was put in place to monitor the education of children from the third grade through the eleventh grade.  Each child has to pass the exam in order to advance to the next grade level or to graduate from High School.  The exam also effects the ratings of each academic institution and the funds granted to these schools for further development and growth.  The better the overall scores are in a particular school, the more funds the school will receive in the coming year for books, equipment and extra curricular activities.

 In theory, this set of checks and balances sounds logical and should produce better students.  However, theory and reality seldom travel along the same lines and the system has produced nothing but great test takers.  Unfortunately, they have no critical thinking skills, which are necessary for survival and higher level thinking.

Nevertheless, every school in the State spends three quarters of the school year teaching the kids to test.  They teach them to parrot the answers but they do not teach them to reason the answers.  If this analogy is unclear, I will clarify the difference.  You can train a parrot to talk or a chimp to speak in sign language but neither knows the meaning of the words or the complexity of the meanings behind the words.  If you actually teach a human being to think; he will not only give you the correct words but tell you the reasoning and meaning behind these words.

 For example, a senior Advanced Placement American History student in Hillsborough County Florida, who was receiving college credit for his High School course work, was asked "What was the basis for the Boston Tea Party?"  He replied, "No taxation without representation."  This answer is correct for the FCAT and acceptable for most tests on the subject.  However, when he was asked to explain the meaning of the phrase; he could not answer.  He could only repeat the phrase and said it was the full meaning.  He had no clue as to the representation behind the phrase or the political turmoil of the time that it represented.  Yet, he was an Honor student and was receiving college credit in either History or Political Science, his choice.

 Every tyrannical government in history that has come to power always destroys the institutions of learning and the thinkers within the society.  They do not want people to reason or think or be inventive.  They want everyone to be trained to their thoughts and their ideas and to never question.  They want parrots.  Parrots just obey and follow.  They never ask for reasoning or for justification or question their condition or environment.

 America is raising a group of Parrots or, as I prefer to use, Sheep.  The media no longer present news, the raw facts, for the individual to make their own conclusions based on logic.  The media just tells you what to think and how to think it based on the personal bias of the  particular network one chooses to watch.

 Some may claim the choice of network is reasoning but, in reality, it is a matter of emotional preference.  You are not taking in a series of facts to make an informed decision or come to a logical conclusion.  You are just choosing which version of conclusion makes you feel the best about yourself or the world.  It is lazy and apathetic. 

 Many may claim they are too busy to sift through the facts to make their own conclusions so they opt to allow others to process such information.  This is an excuse for laziness and ignorance.  The world is not any busier than it was a thousand years ago.  Actually, mankind has more conveniences and benefits today than ever before in history.  The reality is man has become too superficial to bother, to superficial to think.  We would rather stay surface busy than deal with in-depth thought or take personal responsibility for our lives, our government or our environment. 

Thinking and education are inconvenient and may lead to responsibilities, action and moral obligations.

Mankind has become a selfish, self centered, superficial, arrogant, egocentrically motivated, apathetic slug, which is exactly where the Elitist want you to remain and continue to digress in intellect and reasoning and moral responsibility.  Those are attributes they cannot compete with on open ground.

      H.I. & M.E.H. Pr. Fra' Don Louis Pèpin, who is known in America as H.I. & M.E.H. Pr. Fra' Dr. Donald Lee Pippin, Jr. or H.I. & M.E.H. Pr. Fra' Dr. D. Lee Pippin is the Prince Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Knights of the Imperial Order of the Carolingian Empire and its American Association, Noblesse Oblige Charities, Inc.


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